It’s cool to rush the Clan Chest and grind it out to see how early we can get it open. However, it may actually be better to pace it out here’s why… Continue reading Clan Chest Pacing
Tag Archives: first clan
Better Team Chat, join Slack!
We want to see everyone in our new Slack Team!
Reasons why in-game chat sucks: Continue reading Better Team Chat, join Slack!
Discussion: New Elder Guidelines
These new guidelines are not yet in effect. Your feedback would be appreciated.
The leaders have been discussing our policies related to promotion and demotion. It is our goal to use the rank of Elder to recognize the players who are major contributors to our clan’s success. We also want reward those players whose contributions are ongoing. It is for that reason that we are recommending two changes to the clan’s promotion policy. Continue reading Discussion: New Elder Guidelines
First Clan Hall of Fame!
NC “First” Clan Tournament
The North Carolina Clash Royale clan has always enjoyed “friendly” battles and we were among the very first to start having our own tournaments within days of the global launch of the game. ItFirst Clan Hall of is our tradition and we’re proud to honor the winners of our tournaments on this page. Continue reading First Clan Hall of Fame!
Squad Goals
What is it going to take to get on the US leaderboard?
For the last week, I’ve been tracking our clan score against the 200th position on the US clan leaderboard. I wanted to know if it was even possible for our group to make it onto that list. There is a lot of variation in both numbers, some days we’re getting closer and some days we’re falling behind. Currently, we are 6,488 trophies away from the top 200 and 863 trophies further away than we were a week ago. Is it possible to turn that around? Continue reading Squad Goals
Tournament Night in First Clan!
Update: Since Supercell launched their tournament feature, interest in our old bracket-style tournaments has fallen way off. We will use monies contributed for prizes to start new Supercell tournaments unless the contributors would rather have the money returned.
The next First Clan tournament is:
July 18th at 8pm