All posts by KrazyPete

Squad Goals

What is it going to take to get on the US leaderboard?

For the last week, I’ve been tracking our clan score against the 200th position on the US clan leaderboard. I wanted to know if it was even possible for our group to make it onto that list. There is a lot of variation in both numbers, some days we’re getting closer and some days we’re falling behind. Currently, we are 6,488 trophies away from the top 200 and 863 trophies further away than we were a week ago. Is it possible to turn that around? Continue reading Squad Goals

Five Reasons to Friendly Battle!

Here’s the situation…

My chest slots are full. It will be six and a half more hours before one opens. I’ll have to wait sixteen more hours before I can start unlocking my crown chest again. And, I’m sitting at my all-time high trophy count.

There is almost no upside to hitting “battle” button right now. My trophy count is already at the upper limit for my current deck configuration. I’ll make no progress towards finding and upgrading cards. I should just take a break, go lay in a hammock and read a book. Continue reading Five Reasons to Friendly Battle!

Your Trophy Count and the “Clan Score”

Understanding  “Clan Score” can help you set personal goals.

In Clash Royale, clans are ranked by their Clan Trophies. This number appears at the top of the clan chat screen. Tap the “i” next to this score and you’ll see more clan stats and the same number referred to as “Clan Score.” Confusingly, Supercell also refers to this number as “Clan Points” in their support documentation. It doesn’t matter what you call it, but it does  help to understand how it is calculated. Continue reading Your Trophy Count and the “Clan Score”

Coming Soon: Tournament Night!

It’s the next step in the evolution of our NC Clan Tournament

Tonight at 9pm EDT, Vlee will take on ThinMints in a best two out three set of matches to be the first ever NC clan tournament champion. I hope this first tournament has a been a fun little sideline activity in your overall Clash Royale experience. 1SickKnave did a masterful job setting up the bracket and keeping it updated. Now, we’d like your help to make the next tournament even better. Continue reading Coming Soon: Tournament Night!