The person who makes the tournament, makes the rules. The rest are more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules. Continue reading Tournament “Rules”
All posts by KrazyPete
Balance Changes Coming This Wednesday!
Some of you have been screaming that the Miner is OP, or pleading to the gods of Royale to nerf the Royal Giant. Your cries have been heard! Plus, are they buffing the Lumberjack and Log enough to make them a factor in the game?
Get the details here: Release Notes
Here for the tournament?
Did you happen to notice our tournament and dropped by to find out how to get in? Welcome!
Clan members have been creating tournaments for us pretty regularly, some are open and some are closed. We always let members determine how they want to run their own tournaments. There are at least two scheduled tournaments every week and those are open to the members of all three of our clans.
12/5: This tournament will start at 9pm and will be open to clan members and invited guests only
Tournament Tag: #YV8OUVR
Password: Clan members, check your inbox at 7pm.
If you’re looking for a friendly clan that clashes hard, we hope you’ll consider coming over to the family and get in on our NEXT tournament!
Better Team Chat, join Slack!
We want to see everyone in our new Slack Team!
Reasons why in-game chat sucks: Continue reading Better Team Chat, join Slack!
More Balance Changes on Independence Day!
All of those cards you wish they would nerf, forget about it! Did the wizard need a buff? Get all the details on the official Clash Royale site. Balance Changes Coming (7/4 )
Want to know how these changes may affect your deck? Here’s some early analysis for you:
YouTube: Orange Juice Gaming
YouTube: Clash With Ash
Reddit: Clash Royale Balance Changes coming July 4th
YouTube: Splitting Troops
Yarn at Orange Juice Gaming does it again. Watch this quick video on how to split troops. Should you switch out you spear goblins for archers? Maybe! Continue reading YouTube: Splitting Troops
Blame Monday! How Legendary Arena seasons affect all players
BGBG is the First Champ in Second Clan!
NC “Second” Clan Tournament
The “friendly battle” tournament tradition continues in our Second Clan! We’re proud to honor our tournament winners in their own Hall of Fame.
Continue reading BGBG is the First Champ in Second Clan!
A new round of balance changes are coming on 6/21
The Hog Rider is getting nerfed. The Royale Giant is not. Get all the details on the official Clash Royale site. Balance Changes Coming (6/21)
Want to know how these changes may affect your deck? Here’s some early analysis for you:
YouTube: Orange Juice Gaming
YouTube: Clash With Ash
Reddit: Balance Changes (Live on 6/21)
Carolinas Clash Royale Tournament!
Calling ALL Clash Royale players in the Carolinas!
We’re planning a LIVE Clash Royale Tournament for the Charlotte area. We have experience in running online tournaments in our own clan and we’re ready to meetup with players from other clans all over the area. Continue reading Carolinas Clash Royale Tournament!